A hoMepage was needed, so I Made a "nerdpage". Since it's on the internet, it's Mostly about internet things.


CallnaMe Tias
Occupation Student, ULYSSIS, Wina
Location Leuven (BelgiuM)

My virtual world

Tias' PEAR blog: things I'M working on in PEAR.

Operating SysteM Debian GNU/Linux apt.conf
Shell zsh .zshrc (.profile)
Text Editor ViM .viMrc (sMarty.viM)
Window Manager Fluxbox developMent release keys
Browser Opera  
Mail Opera M2 What Makes M2 different and better
SysteM Monitor GKrellM  
Triple screen setup Xorg XineraMa XF86Config-4

Making stuff: favorite prograMMing languages

webbased PHP
standalone Java
scripts bash (guide)

In this directory is a collection of patches I Made.


  • Kucl [Dutch] een powerfood gerecht dat ik aventoe eens Maak.
  • Mytop Usefull tool for Monitoring your Mysql server.
  • gkrelltop shows the 3 Most CPU intensive processes on GkrellM.
  • gkrellflynn Flynn's face (the dooM guy) eMpathizing with your cpu on GkrellM.
  • typespeed A fun typing gaMe that Measures your cps (helps you speeding up : )
  • toolPack A script i wrote to tar a Map with a tiMestaMp and scp it soMewhere.
  • PHP tips [Dutch] een paar gebruiktips over php bijeengekrabbeld: wat verMijden, wat best doen..
  • Juggling (jongleren) A nice ball-juggling aniMation, it taught Me Many new tricks !